한라 3 |
한라 1 |
9일(토) |
08:50~09:00 |
Opening Ceremony |
09:00~10:20 |
Symposium I (Geriatric diseases in Rhinology)
좌장: 이상학 (고려대)
1) Geriatric disease -Rhinitis 모지훈(단국대)
2) Olfactory Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease 김영효(인하대)
3) Geriatric diseases in Rhinology: Sleep 조형주(연세대)
4) Facial esthetic 배정호(이화여대)
10:20~10:40 |
Coffee Break |
10:40~11:10 |
Special Lecture I
좌장: 김경수 (연세대)
The current diagnosis and management of olfactory dysfunction (Rong-San Jiang, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan)
11:10~12:30 |
Symposium II (Cutting Edge Techniques in Basic Research)
좌장: 윤주헌 (연세대)
1) Metabolomics: A Global Biochemical Technologies to Discover Biomarkers 조주연(서울대 임상약리학)
2) Application of exosomal miRNA in the precision diagnosis 류성호(순천향대)
3) Dissecting cellular heterogeneity using single-cell RNA-seq 김종경(DGIST)
4) High-throughput profiling and deep learning-based prediction of AsCpf1 and SpCas9 activities 김형범(연세대 약리학)
Oral presentation I (Trainee)
좌장: 임상철(전남대)/예미경(대구가톨릭대)
12:30~14:00 |
Luncheon Symposium I
Luncheon Symposium II
Luncheon Symposium III
14:00~15:20 |
Symposium III (How I Do It : Video session)
좌장: 이재서(서울대)/신승헌(대구가톨릭대)
1) Endoscopic Sinus Surgery I 김현준(아주대)
2) Endoscopic sinus surgery II 김용민 (충남대)
3) Septorhinoplasty I 정용기 (성균관대)
4) Septorhinoplasty II 최윤석(연세코앤이비인후과 )
Oral presentation II (PI)
좌장: 김진국(건국대)/ 조석현(한양대)
15:20~15:40 |
Coffee Break |
15:40~17:40 |
Oral presentation III (PI) 좌장: 박용진(가톨릭대) / 김동영(서울대) |
18:00~ |
Gala Dinner |
한라 3 |
한라 1 |
10일(일) |
09:00~10:00 |
Korea-Japan Conjoint session
좌장 : 김성완 (경희대)/Shintaro Chiba(Japan)
1) Allergic rhinitis and sleep Shintaro Chiba(Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan)
2) Nasal microbiome can protect our lung from respiratory virus 김현직(서울대)
3) Establishment of the new clinical practice guidelines for the management of olfactory dysfunction in Japan Kenzo Tsuzuki(Hyogo College of Medicine, Japan)
4) Immunomodulatory Effects of Adipose Stem Cells- derived Extracellular Vesicles on Allergic Airway Inflammation 조규섭(부산대)
개원의 session 1 - 상기도감염(감기치료의 고수가 되자)
좌장: 유동희(새롬이비인후과)/박석원(동국대)
1) 인플루엔자 진료 지침 이현종(리앤홍이비인후과)
2) 사례로 본 다양한 호흡기 감염 질환 이기일(건양의대)
3) 상기도감염 진료시 내과적 주의사항 장유진(인제의대)
4) 외래진료실에서의 감염관리 이진(한일병원)
10:00~10:30 |
Special Lecture II
좌장: 조진희(가톨릭대)
Sublingual immunotherapy for Japanese cedar pollinosis and dust-mite allergy -effects and its mechanism
Kimihiro Okubo(Nippon Medical School, Japan)
10:30~10:50 |
Coffee Break |
10:50~12:35 |
Oral presentation IV (International session) - 태국2, 일본3, 인도네시아1, 한국1. 좌장: 김정수(경북대)/Virat Kirtsreesakul(Thailand)
1) A practical approach to medical management of severe chronic upper airway disease Virat Kirtsreesakul(Prince of Songkla Univesity, Thailand)
2) Curcumin as a Nasal Mucosa Protector against Cigarettes Smoke Exposure Abdul Qadar Punagi (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia)
3) ILC2s in eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis Ichiro Tojima(Shiga University of Medical Science, Japan)
4) Management of Skull Base Radionecrosis : When and How?
5) Management of sinonasal malignant tumors Ichiro Morikura(Shimane University, Japan)
6) Obstructive sleep apnea and the metabolic syndrome in Thai population: systematic review and meta-analysis Jungrak Phromchairak(Royal Thai Air force Hospital, Thailand)
7) Utility of the Axillary Flap Approach to the Frontal Recess and Radiological Assessment of the Anatomy of Frontal Recess Cells in Japanese Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis Seiichiro Makihara(Okayama University, Japan)
개원의 session 2 - Adjuvant Tx for Sleep disorders 좌장: 김규식(코앤코김규식이비인후과) /정유삼(울산대)
1) 수면환자에서 도움되는 자세치료 신철(고려의대)
2) 수면제 처방의 실제 주은연(성균관의대)
3) Digital sleep health 김정훈(서울의대)
4) 수면환자에서 도움되는 비만치료 김현조(밝고고운메디칼의원)
12:35~13:50 |
Luncheon Symposium IV
Luncheon Symposium V
13:50~15:50 |
Symposium IV (Voting session: Controversy in Rhinology) 좌장 : 박동준 (연세대)
1) Controversy in allergic rhinitis 김수환(가톨릭대)
2) Treatment of olfactory loss 여남경(울산대)
3) Chronic rhinosinusitis 김대우(서울대)
4) Controvery in Rhinology : Septoplasty/Rhinoplasty 최지윤(조선대)
Oral presentation V (Trainee) 좌장: 김효열(성균관대)/박찬순(가톨릭대)
15:50 |
총회 |