시간 |
1 교육장 |
시간 |
2 교육장 |
Session II |
Korea-Japan Conjoint Symposium
Sung-Wan Kim(Kyunghee Univ, Korea)
Session for Rhinologic
practitioner I |
Expansion of Skills For Rhinologic Disease
최재진(강동연세이비인후과) 이건희 (강동경희대) |
08:40-09:00 |
1)Development and application of olfactory scintigraphy to image olfactory sensory neurons
Hideaki Shiga(Kanazawa Medical Univ, Japan) |
08:40-09:00 |
1) E-tuboplasty and ballooning dilatation
공수근(부산대) |
09:00-09:20 |
2) The effects of air pollutants on upper airway disease
Ji-Hun Mo(Dankook Univ, Korea) |
09:00-09:20 |
2) Empty nose synd: PrP inj. In atrophic rhinitis
이종숙(닥터진 이비인후과) |
09:20-09:40 |
3)Innate immunity on the pathogenesis of eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis and therapeutic strategy in relation with IL-33
Hideaki Kozaki(Shiga Univ,Japan) |
09:20-09:40 |
3) PSG scoring: SOMNUM AI vs. 수면다원검사정도관리
송기재(가톨릭 관동대) |
09:40-10:00 |
4) OSA prescreening based on sleep breathing sound Jeong-Whun Kim(Seoul Univ, Korea) |
09:40-10:00 |
4) 비과영역에서의 초음파: 부비동 질환 및 안면 외상에 활용
김동규(한림대) |
Special Lecture II |
Dupixent-Special Lectures: Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps and Biologics
온라인으로 진행 |
10:00-11:10 |
10:00-10:35 |
1) Changing Treatment Paradigms with Biologics in CRSwNP Claus Bachert(Ghent Univ, Belgium) |
10:00-10:35 |
10:35-11:10 |
2) Type 2 inflammation in CRSwNP from Asia perspective Shigeharu Fujieda(Fukui Univ, Japan) |
10:35-11:10 |
11:10-11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:10-11:30 |
Coffee Break |
Symposium VI |
Extended Applications of ESS: Beyond Sinus Surgery
김성원(가톨릭대) |
Session for Rhinologic practitioner II |
Chronic Cough and Post-Nasal Drip
김경수(연세대) 김선태(가천의대) |
11:20-11:40 |
Coffee Break |
11:30-11:50 |
1) Endoscopic approach to PPF, ITF and nasopharynx
홍상덕(성균관대) |
11:30-11:50 |
1) Chracteristics & management of cough in acute viral respiratory infection
허은영(서울대 호흡기내과) |
11:50-12:10 |
2) Extended Approach to the frontal sinus and anterior skull base
원태빈(서울대) |
11:50-12:10 |
2) Adequate medication of post-nasal drip
이승신(양천서울 이비인후과) |
12:10-12:30 |
3) 360 degree endoscopic approach to orbit
공두식(성균관대 신경외과) |
12:10-12:30 |
3) Habitual coughing in children
박용민(건국대 소아과)
12:30-13:30 |
12:30-13:30 |
대한비과학회 정기이사회
Symposium VII |
Panel Discussion for OSA
구수권(부산성모병원) 홍일희(서울수면의원) |
Oral Presentation III |
박석원(동국대) 조석현(한양대)
13:30-13:50 |
1) Controversy in PSG scoring
조형주(연세대) |
13:30-13:50 |
13:50-14:10 |
2) Recent updates on PAP Therapy (Clinical Guideline and PAP Adherence)
홍석진(한림대) |
13:50-14:10 |
14:10-14:30 |
3) Interesting cases of OSA patients with PAP therapy
박찬순(가톨릭대) |
14:10-14:30 |
14:30-14:50 |
4) Comparison of palate-level surgeries
김효열(성균관대) |
14:30-14:50 |
14:50-15:10 |
5) Comparison of tongue base-level surgeries
유명상 (울산대) |
14:50-15:10 |
15:10-15:40 |
6) Voting session
최지호(순천향대) |
15:10-15:40 |
15:40 |
총회 |